Freezing, Freezing is a Japanese manga series written and designed by South Korea author Dall-Young Lim. The story is set in a futuristic world where mankind is under threat of invasion
by otherworldly beings from another dimension. To counter this threat, Genetics, an academy that trains female warriors called Pandora, was formed. Pandora can wield special weaponry and armor. Kazuya Aoi decided to enroll in this school because of a promise with his sister,
an outstanding alumna who died in battle. There, transitions consequently, he meets second year Satellizer el Bridget,
nicknamed “The Untouchable Queen” due to her solitary demeanor
but also top of her class whose battle simulation streak is undefeated, until he came and slowly changed her.
The manga follows Kazuya Aoi, a male Pandora, and Satellizer el Bridget, a powerful Pandora with a cold personality. After enrolling in Genetics, Kazuya causes Satellizer to suffer her first loss in a mock battle, earning her scorn. However, Kazuya’s kind and courageous nature moves Satellizer to change her outlook. Meanwhile, their relationship stirs up trouble within the ranks of the genetically-enhanced Pandora students. Although Kazuya and Satellizer share a close bond, other Pandora and jealous rivals seek to test Satellizer’s invincibility and make advances towards Kazuya.
As the story progresses, the manhga shows the school life of Pandora at Genetics as they train to fight in lethal battles against the Invaders from Nova. Freezing also explores deeper themes of social human connections, cowardice versus bravery, and trust.