The Ghost Bride manga follows Jian Yu, who has been haunted by dreams of a blurry-faced man since she was a child. Villagers believed the man was a ghost who wished to marry her, and Jian Yu feared she wouldn’t live past 18. However, now 20 years old and alive, Jian Yu has purchased a cheap villa. But, every night, she feels an icy touch in her dreams. It was then that the blurry-faced man finally appeared to announce that he was her husband!
The Ghost Bride is a manga series that explores the supernatural world, filled with mystery and romance. Jian Yu’s journey is one of self-discovery, as she learns to navigate the world of ghosts and spirits while also coming to terms with her own fears and desires. The manga’s intricate plot and well-developed characters have made it a must-read for fans of the genre.
Throughout the manga, seamless transitions take readers on a journey through Jian Yu’s life, from her childhood dreams to her current experiences with the blurry-faced man. The Ghost Bride is a story of love and mystery, showcasing how the supernatural can intertwine with everyday life.
Overall, The Ghost Bride is a manga series that has captured the hearts of readers with its compelling storyline and unique characters. The series explores the complexities of the supernatural world while also delving into the human experience. If you’re looking for a manga series that will take you on a journey filled with mystery, romance, and self-discovery, The Ghost Brideis the perfect choice.
Pls bring the updates of this manga
Pls update it, I visit this pages everyday to see whether there is an update . Pls update it ????
Nayra Cristina Batista Modesti
I’ve loved this history! I am excited for its updates! Thanks for sharing this manga with us!
Good manga