“The World After the Fall” is a gripping manga that takes readers on a journey through a world in chaos. Written by the acclaimed authors of <Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint>, Authors Sing-Shong, the story follows a man who didn’t regress when everyone else returned to the past.
The manga begins with a sudden turn of events that summons humans to become “Walkers,” tasked
with clearing the tower to save the world. On floor 77, the “Stone of Regression” is discovered, allowing Walkers to “return” to the past. As a result, everyone leaves except for a group of people who refuse to abandon the world and form “Carpe Diem,” humanity’s last hope.
As the last Walker reaches floor 100, he is faced with a dilemma. He no longer knows what to believe, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance. The manga beautifully captures the essence of the story, with stunning illustrations that bring the characters to life.
The pacing of the story is just right, with each chapter leaving readers wanting more. The manga depicts the challenges that the characters face in intricate detail, from the intense battles to the emotional struggles. Through the characters’ journeys, readers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, from the highs of victory to the lows of defeat.
The characters in “The World After the Fall” are well-developed, each with their unique personalities and motivations. Readers will find themselves invested in the characters’ fates, rooting for them as they face seemingly insurmountable challenges.
In conclusion, “The World After the Fall” is a captivating manga that will keep readers hooked from start to finish. With its unique storyline, well-developed characters, and stunning illustrations, it’s no wonder that this manga has gained a loyal following.