Tsuyokute New Saga, Tsuyokute New Saga. The Japanese manga narrates the journey of Kail, a hero who slays the Demon King but suffers immense losses. After the defeat of the Demon King, Kail finds himself dying and approaching a strange gem the Demon King had coveted. Upon touching this relic, an intense light sends Kail years into the past to his younger body.
Kail wakes realizing he has a chance to change the fate of the human race and his allies. However, while being in the past allows Kail to avoid the mistakes that led to the downfall of humanity, it also means he will have to experience the hardships that shaped him once more. Kail resolves to become stronger to protect others this time around.
Although Kail has the memories of his first life, his body is still untrained and inexperienced. Kail has to advance his skills and power at an accelerated pace to stand on even ground with the opponents his mind recalls. This proves challenging as Kail’s memories fail to account for differences in this timeline’s events. Kail struggles with feelings of regret and anguish as he encounters people from his past once more.
With his knowledge, Kail uses diplomacy and influence to build rapport with neighboring kingdoms unifying them against the Demon King’s forces. This allows lesser casualties on both sides creating armies to counter the demons that would have surrounded them otherwise. However, more demons continue pouring out threatening all Kail has worked to build. Victory begins to seem unattainable as the past starts catching up to Kail.
Kail realizes that rather than avoiding painful memories, he must face them to overcome his failures. By accepting loss as inevitable, Kail is able to focus on ushering in a new future. With unwavering determination, Kail leads a final assault on the Demon King sacrificing everything to slay the Demon King once and for all. Though not without loss, Kail succeeds protecting humanity securing hope for a future free of darkness.
In summary, the manga showcases Kail’s journey to change destiny by traveling to his past. While given an opportunity to save lives, Kail must also relive sorrow. However, Kail’s resolve ultimately triumphs over tragedy as he defeats the Demon King ensuring mankind’s future. The story highlights themes of overcoming anguish, altering fate and fighting for tomorrow.