Tales of Demons and Gods manga follows Nie Li, a Demon Spiritist who stood at the pinnacle of the martial world in his past life. However, he lost his life battling the Sage Emperor and six deity-ranked beasts, only to be reborn back in time to when he was 13 years old. Despite being the weakest in his class, Nie Li’s vast knowledge allowed him to train faster than anyone else. His goal was to protect the city from the beasts that would destroy it in the future and to seek revenge against the Sacred Family, who had betrayed the city in his past life.
Tales of Demons and Gods is a manga series that explores the supernatural world, with Nie Li’s journey being one of redemption and revenge. The manga showcases how one person’s knowledge and determination can change the fate of an entire city. The intricate plot and well-developed characters have made it a must-read for fans of the genre.
Throughout the manga, seamless transitions guide readers through Nie Li’s journey, from his past life to his current experiences as a 13-year-old with vast knowledge. Tales of Demons and Gods is a story of growth and redemption, showcasing how one can rise from their weakest point to become the strongest.
Overall, Tales of Demons and Gods is a manga series that has captivated readers with its compelling storyline and intense battles. The series explores the complexities of the supernatural world while also delving into the human experience. If you’re a fan of manga andlooking for a series that will take you on a journey filled with supernatural elements, redemption, and revenge, Tales of Demons and Gods is the perfect choice.
Wtf is even happening in chapter 321 lmao last chapter they were about to fight and this chapter now they’re sitting down and talking then out of nowhere they’re fighting at the end again????…… wtf
Hi guys any idea when the next chapter will be released
Now i have to start waiting for chapter 🥲